Unless you work for a large consulting firm, you probably don't have an IT department or someone easily accessible to answer your computer questions and address your problems. Although many of the most serious problems must usually be dealt with by an expert, many other computer related questions and minor problems can be fixed by visiting the Smart Computing website (www.smartcomputing.com). You will have to subscribe to Smart Computing magazine to get access to many of the areas but this is a bargain at under $30. SmartComputing Magazine, and all of the documents you get access to as a subscriber, are well worth the $29 a year for the subscription. I have found this website to be much faster in helping me to solve problems than the help desks that I try to avoid calling since that experience is usually very frustrating and can take hours. In the consulting world, time is money - visit SmartComputing.com and save time (so you can get back to making money:)