Is the fax machine dead? Many people think so. Do you remember the days of endless faxes coming through, tying up the phone line, and printing on horrible paper that eventually faded? I remember in my first job post-graduation that I would often be looking under tables for curled up fax pages that may have come through and gotten lost when they spit out of the fax machine. What a mess!
Although fax machines have improved so much, many people, including myself, still do not like them. Every year, I get less than 3 requests from clients or vendors to fax me something. With the capabilities of email, there just isn't much need for one - at least in my business. So, what do I use? Efax. ( There are several services like this out there but since I use eFax, that is what I will talk about.
With efax, you simply visit the website and sign up for a FREE efax number. This looks like any other phone number although unless you pay extra, it will most likely have an area code that is not the same as yours. I personally do not care, especially since I need to give out the number so infrequently, but if it is important for you to have a local number, you can pay extra and get that.
When someone sends you a fax with your efax number, it goes directly to your email inbox. You will also need to download an efax reader when you sign up for your efax number but it's not a big deal. You can then easily file the faxes you receive online.
So what to do when you need to send a fax? Many people can send faxes right from their computer. If you have something not in your computer that you need to fax, you can always scan it and add it as an attachment to an email. As a last resort, you can always run out to your local Staples or shipping store and pay to fax the few pages. Even though it will cost you a few dollars, maybe a few times a year, it will be cheaper than dealing with a traditional fax machine. Happy faxing!