What's the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
You have probably heard this popular expression which refers to how you should approach taking on a very large task. If you know you need to read through that pile of business books on your desk but just can't find the time, then a website called DailyLit can help. If you visit DailyLit you can sign up to receive books sent to you in smaller sections via email so instead of sitting and staring at a whole book that you want to get through, you can receive the emails (on the days and times that you want) and then only worry about getting through a small section of a book at a time. There are all types of books on this site - not just business - and many are free. I am going to try this out by getting "The Art of Getting Money" by P.T. Barnum sent to me in 26 installments. I'll let you know how it works out.